Aisyah Aziz
About the Artist
Since then, she has released many singles while actively performing in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Her hit single in 2019 ‘Senyum Saja’ won the award of Best APM Song and Most Popular Song Singapore at Anugerah Planet Muzik the same year.
Aisyah recently wrote and performed one of the three Singapore National Day Parade 2021 songs. This is her third NDP showing, having also been selected to participate in the 2018 and 2019 versions.
In early 2020, she debuted her first Singaporean-made all-English EP called Sugar. 2022 will see Aisyah’s 2nd Extended Play release.
How We Helped
Aisyah Aziz joins four popular and award-winning local artistes to reimagine the Singapore-inspired UTOPIA Symphony in their own styles as part of the UTOPIA Reimagined series, an initiative by The Foundation.

Aisyah writes about love and “being in the present”, in a single, Euphoria, that will be released as the second song in the UTOPIA Reimagined series. Her starting point for this single is to question what utopia means to her.
“I’ve been in the space of love for a while but then the anxiety is whether love will last. My concern is change – how everything evolves within seconds – and nothing ever stays the same. I don’t want to be busy obsessing about what’s happened in the past though so when I wrote the song, I was exploring being in this love space, and exploring about being present in the moment,” says Aisyah.
She previously took part in the “One Million Towards UTOPIA” campaign for a series of roundtable discussion on the importance of the arts.